Orman Botanical Gardens

When my kids were younger, I was perpetually on the lookout for wide open green spaces in Cairo for my kids to enjoy.  My kids are older now and apparently too cool to “play” out of doors, but I haven’t given up. Despite their teenageryness, I still get my kids out to these green spaces on a regular basis.  One of our enduring favorites is the Orman Botanical Garden.  

We first learned of Orman Garden because of the annual flower sale held within the garden grounds.  Florists from across the city gather and display all manner of plants and garden decor at a discounted rate.  Some of the unique exhibits – like the cactus dealer – keep us coming back every year.

Orman Garden is also a great spot for family gatherings, picnics and, it turns out, homeschool meet-ups.  Over the years I have hosted numerous scouting events, fundraisers, and field days at Orman Garden.

Now, while the Orman Garden does boast a lily pond and bridge, mini coniferous forrest, plenty of benches for sitting, and an elegant palm tree-lined promenade, it may not compare to some of the botanical gardens you may have visited in your travels.  You will find only a few of the placcards and other organizational techniques used by popular botanical gardens.  It is beloved by locals, however, and one can easily understand why; it is a shady green space in the middle of an urban concrete jungle.  In fact, if you visit Orman Garden during the school holidays, you will find every centimeter of grass covered with kids playing football, families picnicking, and yes, maybe even a few couples gazing chastely into each others’ eyes.

Amenities: Visitors to Orman garden can buy drinks and snacks at the cafeteria.  Don’t eat or drink too much, however, as the restrooms are not excellent.  Bring your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer.  

Transportation: The garden is easy to reach via Uber or public transportation.  As for the latter, take the metro to the al-Doqqi stop and either walk or taxi the 1 km from the metro stop to the northern entrance to the garden.  Note: if your time and conscience allows, you can always pair your trip to Orman Garden with a visit to the neighboring Giza Zoo.

So, while you may not find us exactly running around the park now with quite the same wild abandon as in former days, you’ll still find us strolling about at Orman Garden and enjoying the fresh air.  We hope to see you there!

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