The Minibus

I met a girl once on a minibus who helped me figure out how to get where I wanted to go.  During the course of our awkward conversation in my beginner’s Arabic, I realized she was inviting me to visit her at her family’s home.  I did visit her, and again, and eventually – surprise! – I accepted her invitation to move in with her family in Imbaba – a huge, “inner city” neighborhood far from my apartment in Zamalek.  This was the beginning of an unforgettable cultural and language immersion that changed the course of my entire life.  And it was all thanks to a minibus…

(So many ways to get around in Egypt…you can go by tuk tuk!)

Okay.  Maybe more than one factor played a pivotal role in determining my future that day, but I am not overstating things when I say that minibuses are the lifeblood of the Cairo mass transit system.  

(…or you could go by bicycle!)

I’ve been riding minibuses since before I could even speak Arabic.  That first picture?  That’s me back in my early 20s, relying on blondness and moxie to get where I needed to go.  Now I speak Arabic, and figuring out how to get from Point A to Point B by minibus is a favorite challenge of mine.  In fact, nothing gives me greater joy than to teach an Egyptian how to get someplace by minibus. 

(…or you could go by tricycle truck!)

Curious about the minibus system?  Interested in riding a minibus, but lacking in confidence?  You are in the right place!  Read on for A Beginner’s Guide to the Egyptian Minibus System.

Step 1: Know where you want to go.  Identify a major intersection or landmark near your destination if, in fact, the place you wish to go isn’t a well-known spot like a shopping mall or museum.  Fix the name of this landmark, and its relative location to your target destination, in your mind.  Be prepared to shout out the name of this landmark repeatedly to the minibus driver and to all your fellow passengers.

(…or you could go by horse!)

Step 2: Identify the nearest minibus station or stop to you.  A station will be obvious, but a stop may be any intersection or corner on a major road where you notice a person or two waiting expectantly on the side of the road. 

(…or you could go by boat!)

Step 3: Ask!  It seems simple, but this can be the most intimidating step.  First of all, the language barrier.  Enough said.  Secondly, even if you do speak Arabic, you have to hope the person you ask knows both your desired destination and the minibus route/s that will get you there.  Picking the right person to ask requires a bit of savvy.  Kiosk operators and other stationary people are more likely to know the local minibus routes than would a random passerby.

(…or you could go by ferry!)

Step 4: Board the bus and pay the fare.  Once you find the spot, pay the fare.  Ask the driver or anyone seated near you how much to pay.  Hand the money to the person in front of you, who will pass it up to the driver.  Expect to do the same for other riders.  The driver will then pass back your change.

(…or you could go by donkey cart!)

Step 5: Make sure the driver and your fellow riders know where you want to get off.  This can be a bit embarrassing, but it is better to have a bunch of well-meaning riders shouting at you to get off than to miss your stop.

(…or you could go by camel!)

Step 6: Remember and share!  Keep a record in a little notebook, or just remember which bus to ride and from where.  Share the formation and experience the satisfaction that comes from helping others.  

Are you ready for the challenge?  Take courage, follow this guide, and look for me on a minibus near you.  I’ll see you there!

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